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Korean Life Aesthetics
生活美學 생활미학
Korea Craft Exhibition Celebrating the PHL - KOR 70th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations
한 -필리핀 수교 70주년 한국공예전
Metropollitan Museum of Manila
November 14, 2019 - January 31, 2020
Co-hosted by Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism , Republic of Korea ,National Commission for Culture and the Arts of the Philippines
Co-organized by Korea Craft and Design Foundation,Metropolitan Museum of Manila,Korean Cultural Center in the Philippines
한 공동주최: 문화체육관광부,필리핀문화예술위원회(NCCA)
공동주관: (재)한국공예.디자인문화진흥원 , 마닐라 메트로폴리탄 미술관 , 주 필리핀 한국문화원
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